#!/usr/bin/perl # # https://toroid.org/nice-photo-urls # Copyright 2009 Abhijit Menon-Sen use POSIX; $base = "/ams/img"; $data = "/usr/local/web/toroid.org/ams/img"; my ( $album, $photo, $title, $heading, $text ); # We accept three forms of invocation: # # img.cgi displays a list of albums # img.cgi/$album displays a list of photos # img.cgi/$album/$photo displays a single photograph # # Anything else we can reject straightaway. $_ = $ENV{PATH_INFO} || ""; unless ( $_ eq "" || (($album) = m{^/([\w\d.-]+)$}) || (($album,$photo) = m{^/([\w\d.-]+)/([\w\d.-]+)$}) ) { NOTFOUND: print "Status: 404 File Not Found\r\n"; print "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"; print "Not found.\r\n"; exit; } # We can't proceed any further without parsing albums.txt. How much # further we proceed depends on PATH_INFO. If it's empty, we just # display a list of (links to) non-empty albums. my @albums = get_albums(); my %albums = map { $_->{name} => $_ } @albums; if ( not defined $album ) { $title = "Albums"; $text = join( "\n", "" ) if @albums; $text ||= "No albums defined."; } # Otherwise we parse photographs.txt and display either the contents of # an album or a single photograph with next/previous links. else { goto NOTFOUND unless exists $albums{$album}; my $a = $albums{$album}; my @contents = @{ $a->{contents} }; # The contents of an album are defined by I: lines in albums.txt. # A P: line for an album further prefixes a directory name to each # filename. Thus @contents = ("x/a.png", "x/b.png", "x/c.png", ...). # # The entry for a photograph in photographs.txt is identified by # whatever name (a.jpeg or x/a.jpeg) is given to it in the album. # # Now here's the tricky part. When we're generating links, we use a # short form, i.e. just "a" (which must be unique AT LEAST within an # album, i.e. you can't put foo/1.jpeg and bar/1.jpeg into the same # album), so we need to map unique filenames to unique-in-context # shorter names, and back. my ( %photos, %shortnames, %fullnames ); %photos = get_photographs(); foreach ( @contents ) { (my $short = $_) =~ s/^(?:.*\/)?(.*)(?:\.\w+)$/$1/; $shortnames{$_} = exists $fullnames{$short} ? $_ : $short; $fullnames{$shortnames{$_}} = $_; } sub photo_title { my ( $photo ) = @_; my $title; if ( exists $photos{$photo} ) { $title = $photos{$photo}->{title}; } unless ( $title ) { $title = $shortnames{$photo}; $title =~ y/-/ /; $title =~ s/\.[a-z]*$//; $title = ucfirst $title; } return $title; } # And now we assemble the display text. if ( not defined $photo ) { my @parts; if ( my $foreword = $a->{foreword} ) { push @parts, $foreword; push @parts, "

"; } push @parts, "

"; if ( my $afterword = $a->{afterword} ) { push @parts, "

"; push @parts, $afterword; } push @parts, "

(Back to the list of albums)"; $title = $a->{title}; $text = join( "\n", @parts ); } else { my $i = 0; my %contents = map { $_ => $i++ } @contents; $photo = $fullnames{$photo}; goto NOTFOUND unless exists $contents{$photo} && ( exists $photos{$photo} || -f "$data/$photo" ); my $imagetitle = photo_title( $photo ); $title = "$a->{title}: $imagetitle"; $heading = $imagetitle; my $idx = $contents{$photo}; if ( $idx != 0 || $idx+1 != @contents ) { if ( $idx+1 != @contents ) { my $next = $shortnames{$contents[$idx+1]}; $text .= "Next,\n"; } if ( $idx != 0 ) { my $prev = $shortnames{$contents[$idx-1]}; $text .= "Previous,\n"; } $text .= "Index\n"; $text .= "
\n"; } $text .= "\"$imagetitle\"\n"; if ( exists $photos{$photo} && ( my $description = $photos{$photo}->{description} ) ) { $text .= "\n

\n$description\n"; } } } OUT: $heading ||= $title; print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n"; print "\r\n"; print <<"HTML"; ams/img: $title


By Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams\@toroid.org>

$text HTML sub get_albums { my @a; local *ALBUMS; open( ALBUMS, "$data/albums.txt" ) || die; while ( ) { chomp; next if /^#/ || /^\s*$/; if ( /^N: ([\w\d.-]+)$/ ) { (my $title = ucfirst $1) =~ y/-/ /; push @a, { name => $1, title => $title, foreword => "", afterword => "", prefix => "", contents => [] }; } elsif ( @a && /^T: (.*)$/ ) { $a[-1]->{title} = $1; } elsif ( @a && /^F: (.*)$/ ) { $a[-1]->{foreword} .= "$1\n"; } elsif ( @a && /^A: (.*)$/ ) { $a[-1]->{afterword} .= "$1\n"; } elsif ( @a && /^P: (.*)$/ ) { $a[-1]->{prefix} = $1; } elsif ( @a && /^I: (.*)$/ ) { push @{ $a[-1]->{contents} }, split /\s*,\s*/, $1; } } my @albums; foreach ( @a ) { my $prefix = $_->{prefix}; my @contents = @{$_->{contents}}; if ( $prefix ) { unless ( @contents ) { # We could opendir $prefix and read in the filenames, # but is it really a good idea to do that to display # every photograph? It doesn't seem worth it. } @contents = @{$_->{contents}} = map { $_ =~ m#/# ? $_ : "$prefix/$_" } @contents; } # Exclude any album without any defined contents. What could we # do with such a thing anyway? push( @albums, $_ ) if @contents; } return @albums; } sub get_photographs { my @photos; local *PHOTOS; open( PHOTOS, "$data/photographs.txt" ) || die; while ( ) { chomp; next if /^#/ || /^\s*$/; if ( /^N: ([\w\d.\/-]+)$/ ) { push @photos, { name => $1, title => "", description => "" }; } elsif ( @photos && /^T: (.*)$/ ) { $photos[-1]->{title} = $1; } elsif ( @photos && /^D: (.*)$/ ) { $photos[-1]->{description} .= "$1\n"; } } return map { $_->{name} => $_ } @photos; }