The Advisory Boar

By Abhijit Menon-Sen <>

Reading about wireguard

The new Wireguard VPN looks very promising.

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Strange cryptographic decisions in Ansible vault

I wrote about some useful changes to ansible-vault in Ansible 2 in an earlier post. Unfortunately, another significant change to the vault internals was rejected for Ansible 2.

Vault cryptography

The VaultAES256 class implements encryption and decryption. It uses sensible building blocks: PBKDF2 for key generation with a random salt, AES-CTR for encryption, and HMAC-SHA-256 for authentication (used in encrypt-then-mac fashion). This is a major improvement over the earlier VaultAES class, which used homebrew key generation and an SHA-256 digest alone for “verification”.

Nevertheless, the code has some embarrassing oversights. They are not vulnerabilities, but they show that the code was written with… rather less familiarity with cryptography than one might wish:

  • Plaintext is padded to the AES block size, but this is unnecessary because AES-CTR is used as a stream cipher.
  • An extra 32-byte block of PBKDF2 (10,000 iterations) output is derived to initialise the 16-byte IV, and the other half discarded; but this is unnecessary because the IV can be 0 (the salt ensures that we do not use the same key to encrypt the same plaintext).

Finally, the ciphertext is passed through hexlify() twice, thereby inflating it to 4x the size (instead of using, say, Base64). This is the least significant and yet the most annoying problem.

The most visible effects of the over-enthusiastic PBKDF2 use were mitigated by a pull request to use an optimised PBKDF2 implementation. This reduced the startup time by an order of magnitude for setups that loaded many vault-encrypted files from group_vars and host_vars.

All of these problems were solved by PR #12130, which saw several rounds of changes and was slated for inclusion in Ansible 2, but was eventually rejected by the maintainers because there wasn't “anyone in-house to review it for security problems and it's late to be adding it for v2”.

Other changes that didn't make it

A couple of other often-requested Vault changes fell by the wayside en route to Ansible 2:

  • GPG support for the vault was submitted as a PR over a year ago, but the code is now outdated after an initial rebase to the v2 codebase.
  • Lookup support (with the file lookup plugin, and also with the copy module) was partly implemented but never completed and merged.

Many people left +1 comments on Github to indicate their support for these features. I hope someone wants them enough to work on them for v2.1, and that they have better luck getting this work merged than I did.

Mojolicious session cookies

Mojolicious comes with easy-to-use cryptographically signed session cookies out of the box.

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Cryptographically secure randomness in Perl

If you are on Linux, just use /dev/urandom — and don't worry, what you've heard about it being cryptographically insecure is a myth.

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Nonsensical DoT crypto restrictions

What are the regulations governing the use of cryptography and the development of cryptographic software in India? The answer is either "there aren't any" or "nobody really knows".

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