After the court's stern admonishment to Exide at the
last hearing, I really
thought today was the day when my arguments were finally going to be
heard (since Exide has made no attempt to settle in the meantime).
But I didn't expect today's strategy. The lawyer sent his minion to say
that he was "on his way", so my case was passed over. Then I was called
again at the end, when he had still not arrived. I requested the bench
to hear my arguments, but they said it wasn't possible today (apparently
because only two judges were there, and the panel's composition would be
changing again). So they gave me a date one month later, and I
left… and two minutes later, the Exide lawyer walked in. But even though
I saw him and turned back, the two judges were already getting ready to
leave, and weren't inclined to tarry.
Oh well.